Dr. Marleen Claeys
Marleen Claeys is business development manager in STEP-Chem, a valorization-oriented IOF-GEAR consortium between Professors Joeri Denayer, Tom Van Assche, Gert Desmet and Prof. Sebastian Oberthür and Tomas Wyns. The valorization objectives of STEP-Chem aim at an acceleration of the innovation cycle of sustainable processes for the chemical industry. STEP-Chem (Separation Technology & Economics and Policy making for sustainable Chemicals production) serves sustainability in the chemical industry in a holistic way in combining:
- the expertise of the Chemical Engineering Department (CHIS) in separation technology and process intensification
- with the know-how of the Institute for European Studies (IES, part of Business School of Governance BSoG) on policy making, economic modelling and in-depth analysis of feedstocks, product streams and chemical processes at the company and sector level.
Read more on STEP-Chem – VUB TechTransfer.
Within CAPTURE (www.capture-resources.be), Marleen Claeys is manager for the pillar Valorization. In this function, she contributes to the generation of flagship projects with collaborative partners in the Flemish research field (UAntwerpen, UGhent, VUB, VITO) who develop innovative technologies for the resource recovery of CO2, Plastics and Water. Read more on CAPTURE).
You can follow Marleen on Linkedin: Marleen Claeys | LinkedIn and STEPChem: Company Page Admin | LinkedIn,
or contact at: marleen.claeys@vub.be.
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels